Welcome to Everyday Badassery Podcast!
Everyday Badassery is a weekly podcast of inspirational stories to help you be just 1% more badass today than you were yesterday.
Our BIG badass moments in life are made possible by the the culmination of our SMALL badass moments. This podcast is made with love and is created with YOUR self improvement in mind. I keep it REAL.

TRAVEL series
In episodes 1-79 you’ll find travel stories to inspire you to be just 1% more badass today than you were yesterday!
Get the free Badassery Journal
This is a preview of what the Badassery Journal looks like…

Watch the Podcast Intro!
What’s this podcast about? Check out the 60 second intro video below!
About Your Host
Yo. I’m Christine Lozada and tbh, I didn’t think I was a badass for a very. long. time.
Even now, I still struggle to hold the title. But holy mofo, I hold onto my (imaginary) badass trophy with a death grip (that I also use to hold my champagne glass) and if you try to take it away from me, you’ll realize that I’m a very sweet girl. With a VERY swift right hook.
I ask a signature question to every guest “Do you think you’re a badass?”
You’ll notice this, too (especially if you WATCH the show) – every guest struggles with calling themselves “a badass”.
Why? It’s relative to who you surround yourself by.
If you are a badass hanging out with other badasses, by comparison, you’re just another Joe Schmo (or Jane Schma).
For example, the struggle with feeling “badass” happens when you race in triathlons, but it’s “just” the sprint distance and even though you’re a top finisher in the swim and you JUST learned how to competitively swim… if your friends are a bunch of Ironman athletes (i.e. they do sprint triathlons for breakfast). Well. You’re not just vanilla ice cream. You’re also melted vanilla ice cream on a hot day in the Glamis sand dunes after droning yourself riding ATVs and no one cares about you. Nobody.
Or here’s another example about the time I wondered if I’d be lost in the ocean with 29 foot manta rays. Imagine you’re in the Maldives scuba diving with manta rays for the first time and you discovered a new device called a “reef hook” i.e. “the thing that will hook your BODY to the OCEAN FLOOR so when the current is raging around you and 18 mantas are swimming a few feet from your face you don’t get swept a half mile away from the boat and potentially never get found”.
The reef hook is your life line. And you’re surrounded by a bunch of insanely talented manta-ray-researchers-who have-done-this-8,000-times-divers and they literally look like they just sat down with their popcorn to the manta ray movie and they’re ready to enjoy the show.
Relatively speaking. This does not feel like badassery.
Anyway, I am writing this after that crazy-current-manta-ray thing happened 2 weeks ago. And I am your host.
Enjoy. Because this podcast has been made with so much f*ing love you’re going to taste it. In a good way. And it doesn’t have calories. Win-win.
Go forth and be a little more badass today than you were yesterday.

TRAVEL WITH ME and let’s have a BADASS adventure!
I’m launching group trips. It’s going to be an adventure. It’s going to be stepping outside our comfort zones… together.
The best way to stay in the loop is on the email list.
This blog post will give you a virtual tour of what’s coming!
Want to be on the podcast?
Have ants in your pants and need to connect with me? Email me! hello (at) christinelozada (dot) com
Go forth… be badass. See ya in the next adventure 🤘🏽